2/17/2025 8:30:00 AM Virtually the same? Trade marks for virtual goods and services can be assessed like their ‘real’ equivalents (EU General Court) By Naji Tilley In Case T-1163/23 Glashütter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH v EUIPO (11 December 2024), the EU General Court upheld a refusal to register an EU trade...
1/20/2025 3:40:56 PM STOP PRESS: Court of Appeal rules in Thatcher’s favour in lookalike lemon cider battle By Tristan Sherliker Earlier today the Court of Appeal published its much anticipated judgment in the high profile dispute between Thatchers and Aldi over...
12/23/2024 8:30:07 AM Blow for easyGroup in ‘easy’ infringement action By Sharon Mutizira Legal updates: easyGroup alleged that Easy Live’s use of various EASY LIVE signs infringed its EASYLIFE marks; it also sought to...
11/27/2024 1:18:00 PM These ‘Dupes’ aren’t made for walking: the Paris Court of Appeal strengthens brand protection for luxury goods By Audrey Naturel Summary On October 16, 2024, the Paris Court of Appeal upheld a decision from the Paris Commercial Court which ruled against JONAK for...
11/25/2024 9:00:00 PM It takes all kinds – the Federal Court of Australia issues decision on coffee jar trade mark dispute By Shehana Wijesena Sanya Bhatnagar Jonathan Wong In a country where coffee culture reigns supreme, it comes as no surprise that coffee products are often the subject of litigation in...
11/14/2024 7:52:00 PM It takes all kinds – the Federal Court issues a decision on Moccona and Vittoria’s trade mark dispute over the use of coffee jars... By Shehana Wijesena Sanya Bhatnagar In a country where coffee culture reigns supreme, it comes as no surprise that coffee products are often the subject of litigation in...
11/12/2024 1:49:55 PM Greenwashing Directives: The future of eco-labelling in the Spanish market By Maria Gutierrez The main objective of the Empowering Consumers Directive and the Directive Proposal on Green Claims [1] is to provide transparency and...
11/11/2024 11:05:36 AM When evidence fails, ICE trade mark melts away By Martina Fossati A new wake-up call regarding the importance of genuine use for trade mark owners On September 2, 2024, the EUIPO Board of Appeal (the...
11/5/2024 7:43:00 PM Bed, bath & actually not misleading after all – the Full Court unanimously overturned the primary judge’s finding that HOUSE BED & BATH was misleading By Shehana Wijesena Jonathan Wong On 31 October 2024, in a loss for Bed Bath ‘N’ Table (BBNT), the Full Court of the Federal Court unanimously held that the “HOUSE BED &...
10/29/2024 7:30:00 PM Australia: Complaint denied – what is the role of the .au dispute resolution policy in complex trade mark disputes? By Tom Johnston Jane Owen An Administrative Panel has denied a complaint brought by Interpump Group SPA (Interpump Group) against Colussi Engineering Pty Ltd...
10/28/2024 9:30:00 AM UK High Court Rules on Trade Mark Infringement in Athleta v Sports Group Denmark Case By Charlotte Peacock Karen Ayodele The High Court’s ruling on Athleta (ITM) Inc. v Sports Group Denmark A/S and another (2024) has once again underscored key issues on...
10/24/2024 3:04:31 PM Don't Dig Your Own Grave with Bad Faith: A Trade mark Battle in Funeral Services By Andrea Vantini In the world of funeral services, the recent Taffo family trade mark dispute in Italy has drawn significant attention. The Court of Rome...
10/15/2024 9:34:50 AM Ceci n’est pas a case about GI evocation (but about unfair competition!) By Rachele Macor Court of Venice ascertains that use of the words “Balsamico di…” and “Ristretto di Balsamico…”, alone or together with “aceto”, for...
9/18/2024 4:13:18 PM Distinctiveness of descriptive marks - the Halloumi saga continues in the UK By Phillipus Putter Is the HALLOUMI trade mark distinctive? The UK High Court very recently looked at this question. It emphasised the importance of...
9/9/2024 11:39:30 AM More Than Words: The Registrability of Non-Traditional Marks in Singapore By Lorraine Tay Alison Wan Xuan Tang Gene Kwek If I took those words away, how would you make the examiner understand, and show her that your non-traditional mark is real? ...
8/30/2024 11:44:18 AM Takedown procedures in anticipation of a court decision: Proceed at your own risk! By Pava Vrhovac Case references – Paris Judicial Court, 3rd chamber, 2nd section, March 18th, 2022, n. 20/03727 ; Paris Court of Appeal, 5th division,...