1/31/2023 10:02:00 AM The EUTM Court of Appeal of Spain grants Bacardi an injunction to protect the reputed Grey Goose brand against Alvisa under Article 9(2)(c) EUTMR By José Miguel Lissén On 22nd December 2022, the EUTM Court of Appeal in Spain set aside the lower court’s judgment in the Grey Goose/MontBlanc case, between...
1/30/2023 1:12:00 PM The Protocol on Remote Hearings of the EUTM Court No. 1 of Spain:A new step forward towards a more userfriendly European trade mark enforcement system By José Miguel Lissén Remote hearings have become increasingly popular in Spain following recent reforms to Spanish procedural law. The aim of introducing...
1/26/2023 12:09:00 PM Signed, sealed, delivered – new UK address for service rules By Charlotte Peacock The UK IPO has published a new Tribunal Practice Notice setting out new rules for service of inter partes proceedings where there is no...
1/12/2023 11:48:00 AM Acquiescence of an Italian unregistered trade mark. Is it possible? By Andrea Vantini Italian wine: a worldwide excellence but also source of several trade mark infringement disputes. This time, in Bricco Maiolica vs....
1/12/2023 11:42:00 AM Acquired distinctiveness: flooring objections to evidence of use in Singapore By Randy Hong Gene Kwek Lorraine Tay Lorraine Tay, Gene Kwek, and Randy Hong wrote an article for Managing IP on a decision by the Singapore Trademarks Registry that accepted...
1/5/2023 1:14:00 PM Copyright of streamers on Twitch and its relationship with traditional media By Sorin Vilceanu This article covers the copyright of streamers on Twitch, and aims to resolve the question of whether, and under what circumstances, it...
1/4/2023 6:11:00 PM Major success for Banksy at the EUIPO Board of Appeal By Charlotte Colthurst FCB sought to invalidate the ‘Laugh Now’ mark, held by PCO, alleging that the sign had been applied for in bad faithThe Cancellation...