2/17/2025 8:30:00 AM Virtually the same? Trade marks for virtual goods and services can be assessed like their ‘real’ equivalents (EU General Court) By Naji Tilley In Case T-1163/23 Glashütter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH v EUIPO (11 December 2024), the EU General Court upheld a refusal to register an EU trade...
1/20/2025 3:40:56 PM STOP PRESS: Court of Appeal rules in Thatcher’s favour in lookalike lemon cider battle By Tristan Sherliker Earlier today the Court of Appeal published its much anticipated judgment in the high profile dispute between Thatchers and Aldi over...
12/23/2024 8:30:07 AM Blow for easyGroup in ‘easy’ infringement action By Sharon Mutizira Legal updates: easyGroup alleged that Easy Live’s use of various EASY LIVE signs infringed its EASYLIFE marks; it also sought to...
10/28/2024 9:30:00 AM UK High Court Rules on Trade Mark Infringement in Athleta v Sports Group Denmark Case By Charlotte Peacock Karen Ayodele The High Court’s ruling on Athleta (ITM) Inc. v Sports Group Denmark A/S and another (2024) has once again underscored key issues on...
9/18/2024 4:13:18 PM Distinctiveness of descriptive marks - the Halloumi saga continues in the UK By Phillipus Putter Is the HALLOUMI trade mark distinctive? The UK High Court very recently looked at this question. It emphasised the importance of...
5/5/2024 1:11:00 PM International Comparative Legal Guide – Trade Marks 2024 now published! By Nick Aries Nick Aries and Dan Breen take a look at what’s ahead with the end of EU law supremacy and the impact it will have on UK trade mark law...